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Project overview

In the current digital era, building a robust online presence is paramount for professionals in various fields, particularly in design. To showcase my work, skills, and personal brand effectively, I embarked on designing a personal portfolio website. This UX design case study delves into the process of creating a portfolio website from scratch, highlighting the design journey, encountered challenges, and the ultimate success achieved.


As a designer, my goal was to create a personal portfolio website that not only showcased my work but also reflected my distinctive style, creativity, and professionalism. The challenge was to design a captivating and user-centric website that effectively presented my skills, experience, and projects to attract potential clients and employers.


The primary objective of this project was to design a visually captivating and intuitive portfolio website that would make a lasting impression on visitors. It aimed to effectively communicate my design expertise, showcase my best projects, and create opportunities for collaboration. My intention was to craft a visually appealing and memorable experience that reflected my unique identity.


UX designer leading the responsive website design from conception to delivery, handover design specs. and assets to developer for front end and backend coding


Market Research and analysis, user needs and preferences, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, iterating on designs, determining information architecture, and responsive design.

Project duration

May-June 2023

Understanding the user

To understand the target audience and their expectations, I conducted user research by gathering feedback from fellow designers, recruiters, and friends. I also studied industry trends, competitor portfolios, and best practices in web design.

User research: Pain points


Difficulties in finding relevant information about the designer's skills, experience, and projects.


Lack of visual appeal and uniqueness in portfolio designs.


Confusing navigation and overwhelming content.


Limited interaction and engagement opportunities for visitors.

User personas

User personas were created to understand the target audience better. This included potential clients, recruiters, and fellow designers who were seeking inspiration and insights into the designer's capabilities.


User journey map

To gain insights into the users' experience and identify potential pain points and areas for improvement, I developed a user journey map. This map enabled me to visualize the sequence of steps that users would go through when navigating my portfolio website.


Portfolio analysis

Gained valuable practice while analyzing other designers’ portfolios. This has sharpened my own ability to recognize the elements of a good portfolio.


Starting the design

Digital wireframes

After ideating and drafting initial paper wireframes, I proceeded to create the initial designs for my UX portfolio project website and mobile site. The key focus was on developing a clear and intuitive information architecture, organizing my portfolio into sections such as About Me, Projects, Visuals, and Contact.

Persona journey map
Persona journey map

Low fidelity prototype

During the design process of the portfolio website, a low-fidelity prototype was created in preparation for a usability study to gather valuable insights and validate design decisions before moving to higher-fidelity iterations. The low-fidelity prototype served as an essential tool for early user testing and feedback collection

Usability study: findings

After conducting a comprehensive usability study to assess the effectiveness and user-friendliness of the portfolio website, valuable feedback from participants shed light on areas that required improvement. The findings revealed the need for clearer navigation labels, an enhanced visual hierarchy, and a streamlined presentation of content. These insights were instrumental in guiding the design refinements to create a more intuitive and engaging user experience.


Clear Information Hierarchy

Users expressed the need for a clear and intuitive information hierarchy on the portfolio website



Some users found it challenging to locate specific information or navigate between different sections of the website.


Visual impact

Some users appreciated engaging visuals, such as high-quality project images and interactive elements

Refining the design


The website includes a clear and intuitive navigation menu, showcasing the designer's work, skills, and contact information.

The typography was fine-tuned to a modern, legible font that reflected the designer's brand personality.

Users can now easily locate and explore projects of interest with intuitive CTA buttons.

We used table of contents to navigate the content based on their interests and preferences.

We ensured that the portfolio website is fully responsive, allowing users to access and navigate the site effortlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.

We optimizing loading times to create a seamless experience.

We incorporated visually striking elements, such as full-width project banners and dynamic hover effects


High fidelity prototype

These high-fidelity mockups were created to bring the final design of each webpage to life, capturing the refined visual elements, layout, and interactions. By aligning the high-fidelity prototype with the insights gained from the usability study, the design successfully translated user feedback into actionable design refinements, resulting in an improved and more polished user experience.

Persona journey map

The high-fidelity prototype maintained the same user flow as the low-fidelity prototype, incorporating design changes based on the insights gathered from the usability study.

Accessibility considerations


Alternative Text (Alt Text):

Providing descriptive alt text for images used on the portfolio website. This allows screen readers to convey the content of images to visually impaired users who rely on auditory information.


Proper Heading Structure:

Implementing a logical and hierarchical heading structure throughout the website's content. This helps screen readers and users who navigate using assistive technologies to understand the organization of the information.


Color Contrast:

Ensuring sufficient color contrast between text and background elements to improve readability for users with visual impairments.

Responsive design

The designs for screen size variation included mobile, tablet, and desktop. I optimized the designs to fit specific user needs of each device and screen size.

Persona journey map

Handing over to Developer

After completing the design phase of the portfolio website, I closely collaborated with the developer to bring the design to life. Detailed design specifications, including high-fidelity mockups, assets, and style guides, were provided to guide the development process. We had regular discussions to clarify design requirements and address technical constraints, ensuring compatibility and performance optimization.

During front-end development, I worked closely with the developer to ensure pixel-perfect implementation, responsiveness, and smooth interactions. Simultaneously, the back-end development team built the necessary server-side functionality. By maintaining clear communication and collaboration, we seamlessly integrated dynamic elements and aligned them with the design vision.

We prioritized delivering a consistent user experience across devices and screen sizes, addressing responsive design challenges. The developer optimized assets for web performance while preserving visual quality. Integration with a content management system ensured both consistency and functionality.

Throughout the process, open communication, prompt issue resolution, and regular feedback loops were maintained to overcome challenges and ensure consistency. Our collaborative and detail-oriented approach enabled us to transform the design vision into a fully functional and impactful portfolio website.


During my first-hand experience collaborating with the developer, I gained valuable insights into the intricacies of translating design into functional code. It became evident that paying meticulous attention to details such as responsive design considerations, asset optimization, and browser compatibility is crucial for delivering a seamless user experience across various devices and platforms.

I learned that striking the right balance between the design vision and the feasibility of implementation is essential. It requires a deep understanding of technical constraints and the ability to make necessary compromises without compromising the overall user experience.

What I learned

Each iteration in the design brought me closer to a more effective and user-friendly design, highlighting the power of incremental changes in enhancing the overall user experience.

Throughout the design journey, I discovered the delicate balance between creativity and usability. While I explored innovative ideas and incorporated unique visual elements, I realized the importance of ensuring that these design choices served a purpose and did not compromise usability. Subtle animations and interactions were strategically implemented to add a touch of creativity without detracting from the portfolio's primary objective.

Designing my own personal portfolio website has been a transformative experience, offering valuable insights and lessons that have shaped my approach as a UX designer. These learnings have equipped me with a deep understanding of the user-centered design process and the ability to create meaningful connections with users.

Next steps

Moving forward, my next steps involve gathering feedback from peers and professionals to improve my portfolio design. I will incorporate this feedback to enhance the user experience and create an inclusive interface by integrating accessibility parameters. Additionally, I will regularly update my portfolio with new projects and achievements to showcase my growth as a UX designer.


The UX portfolio website successfully addresses the initial problem of showcasing skills and expertise in a user-centered manner. The website provides an engaging and informative experience for potential clients and employers, effectively highlighting the design process, projects, and achievements. Continuous refinement and updates will ensure the portfolio remains relevant and impactful in the dynamic field of UX design.

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on my Portfolio website! If you’d like to see more or get in touch, please drop a message.

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